Sarma Vo Lozov List (Stuffed Grape Leaves)
- 1 lb. beef and pork, ground together
- 2 onions
- 1 egg
- 1 t salt
- 1/2 t pepper
- 1/4 c rice
- washed grape leaves
How to prepare
Fry onions in hot corn oil. Add meat and fry until meat is well done.
Cool mixture slightly and then add egg, rice, seasoning and a spring of
dill chopped fine. Mix together thoroughly. Place 1T of mixture in a grape
leaf and wrap up in Sarma fashion. Place Sarma in deep pan, put 2T hot
oil, put 2T flour and fry together. Remove from fire, add 1t paprika, 1/2
c hot water. Blend and pour over Sarmas. Many prefer to serve it with sour