Muchkalica from Shar Planina
- 650 gr. mutton from leg
- 1 dl oil
- 5 onions
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 1 green paprika
- 1 tablespoon vinegar
- salt
- pepper
Wash meat, wipe and cut into small cubes, pour oil over it and leave it
to sit in a cool place for a while.
Peel onion, core the pepper and cut them into small cubes. peel the
garlic and crush it well. Mix all, add salt, pepper and vinegar.
Thread meat on to skewers. Grill on heated grill, turning often. When
the meat is done, take it off the skewers, place it over the prepared
onion with paprika, shake well and serve at once.
From The Balkan Cookbook by Radojko Mrljesh, for fair use only.